Allows for a dichotomous Q Matrix to be imported with standard styling.

read_q_matrix(file, header = FALSE, sep = " ", skip = 0)



name, url, or connections of the file to be read


a logical value to indicate if the data contains a description field as the first row. Default is FALSE.


the field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. Default is white space given by sep = " ".


the number of lines of the data file that should be skipped before the data is read. Default is 0.


A matrix labeled with row names as ItemYY and column names as SkillZZ


This function is designed to specifically read in dichotomous Q matrix into R. The matrix must be structured with the appropriate separator.

See also

q_matrix() or as_q_matrix() for constructing a Q matrix from an existing class.